Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Handle the Transparent Ghosts

Rather than saying against the usage of plastics can we think of handling it carefully by using it only in case of requirement and not for everything? Plastics made our life easier but let not misuse or overuse it. New ways of recycling plastics is also very much important to keep our environment clean. We heard about usage of recycled plastics in development of roads but hardly noticed any big steps taken by our government so far on this direction.
In the 1990s, Ahmed Khan’s company in Bangalore, churned out hundreds of thousands of plastic bags and other packaging material each month that eventually ended up as garbage. Now, he is in the business of scouring the city’s landfills and trash cans to reclaim some of that waste and pave the way to a more environmentally friendly enterprise.
Mr. Khan, 60, is trying to solve two of the biggest problems in India: battered roads and overflowing landfills. His solution: streets made with recycled plastic.
Mr. Khan’s company, K.K. Plastic Waste Management, which he founded with his brother, Rasool Khan, has built more than 1,200 kilometers, or 745 miles, of roads using 3,500 tons of plastic waste, primarily in Bangalore, India’s technology and outsourcing hub.
Mixing plastic with asphalt, Mr. Khan forms a compound called polymerized bitumen. When used in roads, it withstands monsoons and everyday wear and tear better than traditional pavement.
We have faced the problem of battered roads and water logging problem is Delhi after every monsoon. Why our government is not taking steps to have plastic roads in Delhi?