Thursday, August 5, 2010

Koupin ka vastey

Yesterday I received a mail in my inbox from one of my non computer friendly friend, which describes the growing ill effects of excess use of computer in our day to day life. The mail was attached with some very funny yet scary pictures of computer addicted people, who have lost everything in their life but computer. People these days especially the new generation is becoming the victim of the virus called computer. To cater my daily professional needs I need to work on computers for at least 9-10 hours a day. And believe me, I hate it. I have a very big doubt whether the computer is doing any good for mankind rather making the work faster and the world smaller. Now question is why should I do the work fast or why should I make the world small where it is already became cramped with excess population and technology. I may sound negative but I really want to breathe with my nose and not with USB port. I can remember the sage’s story where the sage bought a cat to take care of his Koupin (small piece of cloth, which was a bare necessity), than got a cow to feed milk to the cat, and then a servant to look after the cow. I can see the new technology is also being repeated as new Koupin Story.

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